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We are a “boys and girls soccer team” active in Yokosuka (Ohtsu, Negishi, Ikeda, Mabori-Kaigan, and surrounding areas).
Target ages range from preschoolers to 6th graders.
Since 1977, we have been working to nurture the minds and bodies of local children through soccer.

We are constantly updating our activities on Instagram and Facebook!

We look forward to your followers and likes.


This week’s trial days

: 6th grade
: 5th grade
: Middle grades (4th-3rd grades)
: Lower grades (2nd-1st grades)
: Kids (preschoolers)
*Select a color-coded schedule to view details.

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Ohtsu F.C. is always looking for soccer friends.
Target: Elementary school students 1st to 6th grade, preschool children (younger to older)
We look forward to hearing from you!

Looking for poster collaborators!

We are looking for people who would like to display Otsu FC posters in stores, on various bulletin boards, on the exterior walls of their homes, etc.
If you are interested in helping us, please let us know via the email form.
A representative will contact you as soon as possible.

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